ERP Contract: What Points should be covered?

ERP Contract: What Points should be covered?
ERP Contract: What Points should be covered? Companies usually decide to implement ERP Software to achieve a transformation in their business, to create a digital backbone, to streamline processes, improve efficiencies, and to scale & grow business. ERP Implementation is the first step of a long journey being undertaken by your Company and the ERP Vendor. Therefore it is very important to start this relationship on the right note, where both parties have a clear understanding of the objectives and expectations right from the beginning. An ERP Contract is a formal "ERP implementation agree...
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Importance of ERP Project Team in ERP Implementation Success

Importance of ERP Project Team in ERP Implementation Success
Importance of ERP Project Team "If Everyone is Moving Forward Together, Then Success Takes Care of Itself" - Henry Ford ERP Implementation is a big task and impacts every business function of the organization. It involves a lot of time, energy, and efforts, from everyone in the organization. Considering implementing ERP in your organization? Start forming your ERP Project Team now. Wondering who should be part of the ERP Team? What should be the ERP Project Team Structure? What are the roles and responsibilities of the ERP project team members? Let us now learn more about all these import...
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ERP 2 | What is ERP 2.0 | Important Features & Benefits

ERP 2 | What is ERP 2.0 | Important Features & Benefits
ERP 2 | What is ERP 2.0 | Important Features & Benefits A good ERP is more than a good software. It connects people, processes, and resources.    ERP Software or ERP 2 as we know and see it now, is extremely evolved and has improved by leaps and bounds. It has far more advanced functionalities and capabilities as compared to its earlier versions. Let us now look at how ERP software transformed over the years, what are the important features and benefits of  ERP 2.0, and more. How ERP evolved to ERP 2.0? MRP 1.0: Material Requirement Planning The roots of the development of ERP can b...
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Common Manufacturing Problems that ERP Solves

Common Manufacturing Problems that ERP Solves
Common Manufacturing Problems that ERP Solves Are you having trouble getting proper information about your business? Are you struggling to maintain optimum inventory? Are you finding it difficult to lower operation costs? Companies have to face manufacturing problems in day to day operations. Some problems may vary slightly from industry to industry, but there are some common challenges faced by manufacturing companies across verticals & industries. In this blog, we are going to discuss how manufacturing companies can leverage ERP Software to improve internal processes and ov...
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Making Life of CEO/CXO easier, the ERP Way!

Making Life of CEO/CXO easier, the ERP Way!
ERP makes life easier for CEO/CXO Can ERP makes life easier for CEO's /CXO's?  As the CEO of a manufacturing company with 3 manufacturing locations in different states of a country, how wonderful it would be, to have complete visibility of all functions of your business to monitor and control operations closely to make informed decisions? What if you can identify the causes of bottlenecks/delays in your business? What if you could get a real-time dashboard that provides one glance summary, of the entire business? As a CEO/CXO, you may need answers to various questions from each function. Y...
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Importance of aligning IT Strategy with Business Strategy

Importance of aligning IT Strategy with Business Strategy
Importance of aligning IT Strategy with Business Strategy Information Technology & Business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I don't think anyone can talk meaningfully about one without talking about the other - Bill Gates Technology & Business are almost inseparable. We cannot even imagine a business without computers, internet & software today. Information Technology plays a very vital role in the efficient functioning of a Business. In this article, we will focus on understanding the importance of aligning IT strategy with business strategy. What Is Business IT Alignme...
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Plug the Leaks, Improve Profitability, Grow Your Business

Plug the Leaks, Improve Profitability, Grow Your Business
Plug the Leaks, Improve Profitability, Grow Your Business Beware of Little Expenses; A Small Leak Will Sink a Great Ship. Are you struggling to grow & scale your business? Are your profit margins lesser than your expectations? Are your facing difficulty maintaining a healthy cash flow? Then, it is certainly time to introspect. It is time to go looking for areas where your business could be losing money knowingly or unknowingly. "Plug the Leaks, Improve profitability, Grow Your Business" article is written with a specific objective to help manufacturing companies to uncover hidden pr...
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ERP Project Management Best Practices

ERP Project Management Best Practices
ERP Project Management Best Practices As a company involved in ERP Software implementation for more than a decade, we have a thorough understanding of how to manage ERP projects successfully. The objective of this ERP Project Management Best Practices article is to educate companies desirous of implementing ERP Software, about the science of ERP Project Management, what are the various phases of ERP Project Management and how it carves a roadmap to ensure predictable success in ERP Implementation. Let us now understand the elements & phases of ERP Project Management in detail. What is...
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How ERP helps Implement Standard Operating Procedures

How ERP helps Implement Standard Operating Procedures
How ERP helps Implement Standard Operating Procedures Does your organization have Standard Operating Procedures in place? Did you know, Standard Operating Procedures are a great mechanism to ensure consistency, improve efficiency & productivity? Today, let us discuss what is the significance of SOP and how ERP helps Implement Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in an organization. What is Standard Operating Procedure? Wikipedia explains "Standard Operating Procedure" as "A set of step-by-step instructions compiled by an organization to help workers carry out complex routine operations....
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ERP Implementation – ERP Planning & Selection Guide

ERP Implementation – ERP Planning & Selection Guide
ERP Implementation - ERP Planning & Selection Guide The objective of this ERP Planning and Selection Guide is to become a ready reference for business owners, who are considering ERP implementation and need to know the Best Practices to prepare thoroughly for a successful ERP Implementation. Why this ERP Implementation - Planning & Selection Guide? Preparation is the Key to Success. ERP Software journey requires very meticulous and detailed planning at every stage, right from defining the objectives of ERP, to defining the criteria for evaluation and selection of right ERP Software ...
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