How to use ERP to become a data driven company?

How to use ERP to become a data driven company?
How to use ERP to become a data-driven company? Before we explore how to use ERP to become a data-driven company, let us briefly understand; What is a data-driven company, What are the steps to become a data-driven company and then how to use ERP to become a data-driven company What is a data-driven company? Organizations that gather digital data across all areas of the business are able to use a combination of data, analysis, and insights to make decisions. They use data to understand what happened, analyze why it happened and determine the next steps. These companies make strategic decisi...
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How to get maximum benefits of ERP implementation?

How to get maximum benefits of ERP implementation?
How to get maximum benefits of ERP implementation? Implementing ERP software is just the first step taken by manufacturing companies to improve current processes and achieve improved efficiency, productivity, and profitability. Once you have gone through the enormous task of implementing an ERP successfully, it is up to the company, how to reap the benefits of ERP implementation across all processes, functions, departments, locations. Remember, successful ERP implementation does not transform an organization overnight. Companies that make optimum use of the software are able to rise abo...
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Key Learnings from our successful ERP Implementations

Key Learnings from our successful ERP Implementations
Key Learnings from our successful ERP Implementations Before we explain the key learnings from our successful ERP implementations, let us first discuss what are the primary reasons for implementing ERP, what are the expected outcomes and what are the steps involved in the ERP implementation process. This will help us to outline the leanings at each and every step of the Implementation.  Why Implement ERP? What are the expected outcomes of ERP Implementation? At the heart of an ERP Implementation lies the burning desire for success. Adopting an ERP is a big decision for an organization. Comp...
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How to create a Lean Enterprise with ERP?

How to create a Lean Enterprise with ERP?
How to create a Lean Enterprise with ERP? Before we get into the details of how to create a Lean Enterprise with ERP, let us briefly understand the origin of Lean, principles of Lean, and how it expanded its focus to a Lean Enterprise. What is Lean? Lean is a way of thinking. It is a persistent effort towards minimizing waste for achieving continuous improvement. The Lean philosophy originated with Toyota putting into practice the Lean Production System to minimize waste without sacrificing productivity. They were able to achieve significant improvement in productivity, efficiency & pr...
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Strategy for successful ERP implementation

Strategy for successful ERP implementation
Strategy for successful ERP implementation Before we delve into the Strategy for successful ERP Implementation, let us understand why manufacturing companies need an ERP? What are the goals of an ERP implementation, how to define the success of an ERP Implementation, and what are the components of a successful ERP implementation strategy What is ERP? Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software applications integrate all important processes of an organization such as planning, production, purchasing inventory, sales, marketing, finance, human resources into a centralized system. ERP automate...
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How to use ERP as change driver in organization?

How to use ERP as change driver in organization?
How to use ERP as change driver in the organization? "Change is the only Constant in Business. Those who are able to adapt will win"  Alfred Herrhausen Changing Business Landscape The business landscape is changing very rapidly due to new and emerging technologies, digitization and automation. Hence embracing change is the need of the hour for any organization to survive the competition in the long term and succeed. Companies that are early adopters of ERP, digitization, automation have gained a significant edge over their competitors in terms of resource utilization, process transparenc...
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Manufacturing Cost Reduction | Cost Reduction Ideas

Manufacturing Cost Reduction | Cost Reduction Ideas
Cost Reduction in Manufacturing Industry  "Costs do not exist to be calculated. Costs exist to be reduced" - Taiichi Ohno In this age of aggressive competition, manufacturing companies are struggling to improve their bottom lines. Hence it is imperative to achieve cost reduction in key business processes such as production, procurement, inventory, and so on, to ensure and improve profitability. What is Cost Reduction? Cost Reduction is the process to identify and remove unnecessary expenses from businesses to increase profits without impacting product quality. I recently had an oppor...
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Are you making these information mistakes?

Are you making these information mistakes?
"Do you simply have data about your company or do you have accurate information?" Data is gathered for a purpose, the goal is to turn data into information and provide a basis for taking action. Did you know, that Information can make or break your business? Do you wonder how? In the words of Peter Drucker - The Purpose of Information is not knowledge. It is being able to take the right action. Hence, Information is valuable because it influences a decision or an outcome. For example, if a manager observes that the company's inventory has increased month over month, the manager uses t...
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How to achieve Digital Transformation? How to create Digital Transformation Strategy?

How to achieve Digital Transformation? How to create Digital Transformation Strategy?
Digital transformation is a fundamental reality for businesses today. Organizations of all sizes realize that to delay digital transformation further is to risk obsolescence. And it is up to a company's leadership team to commandeer this revolution while ensuring business continuity! - Warren Buffett, Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway   What is Digital Transformation? In this age, which is driven by Information Technology, businesses must adopt new and emerging technologies into business processes and organization strategies to survive the fierce competition. Digitization is ...
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What is management by exception? How to implement it with Spectrum ERP?

What is management by exception?  How to implement it with Spectrum ERP?
What is Management by Exception? Management by exception primarily focuses on identifying and handling cases that deviate from the specified acceptable norms. It implies raising a flag, in situations that might cause difficulties to the business. It involves determining the reasons for an exception, resolving the causes and handling deviation with the help of skilled staff and management guidance. How you can set up "predetermined rules" for your business?  Spectrum ERP measures and monitors your business activities in real-time. It also allows you to identify a set of business activities a...
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