Role of ERP in manufacturing industries

Look at the role of ERP in manufacturing industries and all the benefits of ERP system in manufacturing industry. Tangible and intangible benefits of ERP system in manufacturing Industry in the article below:-

Spectrum ERP have helped many industries in making their processes efficient and in optimizing their supply chain it can help you too. Read more

Tangible and Intangible benefits of ERP

There are both tangible and intangible ERP advantages Tangible ERP advantages i.) Workflow of the product from one department to other becomes smooth and without any impediments. Hence increasing productivity of process and personnel. ii.) Since same software is now used across all departments, individual departments having to buy and maintain their own software systems are no longer necessary leading to lowering of cost of production hence reducing cost iii.) There are various modules in an ERP system like Finance/Accounts, Manufacturing, Marketing/Sales, Supply Chain/Warehouse Management...
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