how erp is beneficial

Read how ERP is beneficial to your business, tangible and non-tangible benefits of implementing ERP into your business

Know about the best ERP for manufacturing SMEs- Spectrum ERP

How to use ERP as change driver in organization?

How to use ERP as change driver in organization?
How to use ERP as change driver in the organization? "Change is the only Constant in Business. Those who are able to adapt will win"  Alfred Herrhausen Changing Business Landscape The business landscape is changing very rapidly due to new and emerging technologies, digitization and automation. Hence embracing change is the need of the hour for any organization to survive the competition in the long term and succeed. Companies that are early adopters of ERP, digitization, automation have gained a significant edge over their competitors in terms of resource utilization, process transparenc...
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Tangible and Intangible benefits of ERP

There are both tangible and intangible ERP advantages Tangible ERP advantages i.) Workflow of the product from one department to other becomes smooth and without any impediments. Hence increasing productivity of process and personnel. ii.) Since same software is now used across all departments, individual departments having to buy and maintain their own software systems are no longer necessary leading to lowering of cost of production hence reducing cost iii.) There are various modules in an ERP system like Finance/Accounts, Manufacturing, Marketing/Sales, Supply Chain/Warehouse Management...
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