ERP Implementation Methodology

What is ERP implementation methodology?ERP implementation methodology

ERP can make a business more efficient than ever but many ERP implementation process fails due to improper ERP implementation methodology.
There’s no denying the fact that ERP deployment is a major undertaking but it doesn’t need to be painful. With proper planning and execution implementing an ERP should be a smooth process. This planning and execution for successful ERP implementation is called ERP implementation methodology or ERP implementation lifecycle.

ERP Implementation Steps

For a successful ERP implementation various steps should be followed. These steps are:-

1.) ERP implementation project kickoff and team Forming

ERP implementation methodologyThe first step for ERP implementation process is Project kickoff and team forming. It consists:-

  • Identification of Project objective
  • Appointment of project coordinator and key user identification
  • Project kickoff meeting with steering committee
  • Auditing of infrastructure


2.) Requirement gathering and submission of proposal

The second step in ERP implementation methodology is identifying what the business ERP implementation methodologyneeds and submit a proposal on how ERP can help. This step consists:-

  • Identification of department level objective
  • Preparation of current state of business practice within the organization
  • Identification of key pain areas
  • Assertion of performance and acceptance criteria
  • Final design submission
  • Determination of checkpoints and milestones

ERP implementation methodology3.) Business Process Reengineering (BPR)

The third step in ERP implementation life cycle is business process reengineering.

  • Analysis and redesigning workflows
  • Optimize end-to-end processes
  • Automate non-value adding tasks

4.) Project Customization

The forth step in the process of ERP implementation is determining how mu56c19d82b0f5ech customization is needed in the original ERP so that it can fulfill the objective of a particular business. This contains:-

  • Gap analysis preparation
  • Size and effort estimation for customization
  • Planning
  • Customization of product
  • Testing
  • Release the customized solution

ERP implementation methodology5.) Training and Knowledge transfer

After the release of customized solution the employees must be taught on how to use the ERP effectively, this bring us to our fifth step in ERP implementation methodology. This step consists:-

  • Function area identification for knowledge transfer
  • Live workshop on key functional area by functional experts
  • Detailed training, schedule preparation and finalization of go live date with consent of project coordinator and key user.
  • Execution of training program per schedule for Hands-On experience

6.) Reviews and Feedbacks

The sixth step in the process of ERP implementation is reviews and feedbacks. This consist of the reviews that the ERP implementation methodologybusiness give to ERP providers on how ERP is doing and are there and changes necessary. This step consists:-

  • Frequent review meeting
  • Progress sheet preparation
  • Evaluation of implementation process
  • Feedbacks on current status of the project to the management
  • User feedback system(effective gathering of feedback)

7ERP implementation methodology.) Project Acceptance

The seventh step in ERP implementation process is project acceptance; this is the step where management has accepted the ERP system from the providers. This step consists:-

  • User feedback gathering on specific KPAs such as concept clarity, Reliability, Validation, Print format, Data entry speed, Performance, function requirement etc.
  • Approval from key users and HOD
  • Acceptance certification from management

8.) Post implementationERP implementation methodology

The final step in the ERP implementation life cycle is the post implementation step, this step consists:

  • Keeping tabs on how ERP is working to avoid aberrations or glitches
  • Periodic maintenance to smooth working
  • Training employees to fix occasional small glitches
This completes the ERP implementation methodology

Hasting towards implementing ERP can result in wastage of both time and effort. A proper roadmap to the final objective can ensure a smooth ERP implementation. Setting clear goals, objectives and milestones and following proper ERP implementation methodology is the key for a successful ERP implementation.

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