Plant Maintenance Module
Plant Maintenance is a process that involves regular inspections, checks and servicing of equipments and machinery to ensure the plant is in optimum working condition with no breakdown. It also involves repairing or replacing necessary parts, equipment, machinery.
Sometimes, even if any small piece of equipment goes out of order, entire production line can come to a halt. Even other production lines may be affected. This can result in loss of immediate production as well as delays in time to market.
Primarily there are 4 types of Maintenance.
- Corrective Maintenance means repairs carried out after equipment breaks down
- Scheduled Maintenance -means regular inspection, lubrication, repair of equipment to ensure smooth functioning and prevent breakdown
- Preventive Maintenance involves Periodic inspection of equipment and machinery to carry out any repairs in initial stages to eliminate chances of equipment breakdown.
- Predictive Maintenance means using sensitive instruments to check the Pressure, Temperature, Resistance etc., to predict troubles & fix them before equipment fails.
Plant Maintenance Module helps to automate and streamline Plant maintenance process as well as provide alerts and notifications to ensure timely inspections and maintenance. This help to ensure top working conditions of equipment and machinery and maximum utilization for optimum output.
Components of Spectrum ERP Plant Maintenance Module
Spectrum ERP Plant Maintenance Module has components such as Equipment & Locations Details, Corrective, Preventive Maintenance, Inspection Entry, AMC Contract Management, Spares & Warranty details, Fleet Management, Safety Management, Knowledge Repository
Integration with other Modules of Spectrum ERP
Spectrum ERP Material Plant Maintenance Module is tightly integrated with all other modules of Spectrum ERP and supports all cases within ERP manufacturing.
Mobility & Reporting Features of Plant Maintenance Module
Spectrum ERP Plant Maintenance Module enables you to access important functions and perform following actions via Mobile; anytime, from anywhere.
- View Asset Details
- Process Material Request
- Maintain Observation Entry
- View Maintenance Order
- Create Maintenance Reports
- Record Meter Reading
- Maintenance Report and dashboard on mobile
Functions of Spectrum ERP Material Management Module
Equipment and Location Details
Creates Master data for Equipments and their locations, tools, spares etc.
- Equipments and Location master
- Defines Category wise classification
- Maintains hierarchy of equipment
- Manages Tools, spare details
- Defines triggers for preventive maintenance
AMC and Contract Management
Creates Master Data File for AMC & Contract Management such as:
- Equipment wise AMC detail
- Releases maintenance orders to external parties
- Linked to purchase and inventory module
- Stores detail of maintenance contract
Fleet Management
Maintains record and tracks all information of vehicles used for inward, outward movement and in-plant movement such as:
- Records Trip and meter reading
- Maintains Fuel consumption records
- Records details of Spare consumed
- Provides Vehicle wise maintenance cost
Knowledge Repository
Maintains a repository of documents for user manuals, equipment information, AMC details and so on.
- Equipment wise document attachment for manuals
- Keep equipment wise specific information
- Detail of service provider and vendors
- AMC details
- Safety-related information
Corrective, Preventive Maintenance and Inspection Entry
Processes all information related to corrective & preventive maintenance such as
- Sets conditions for triggering maintenance
- Defines resources, task, and spare detail schedule-wise.
- Records corrective or breakdown maintenance
- Provisions for manual maintenance request
- Releases maintenance order
- Releases inspection order and inspection entry
- Stores Daily log for maintenance and inspection entry
Spares &Warranty Details
Maintains record and tracks all information of spares and warranty details such as:
- Reserve and track for spares in inventory
- Raise material request for maintenance
- Track warranty details
Safety Management
Ensures all information pertaining to Plant safety is saved in a central location
- Request for a permit for maintenance
- Issue of permits
- Detail of tag-out, hazards and safety procedure
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