HR and Payroll Module
HR and Payroll Module automates HR functions and Payroll activities related to Employee Data management, Payroll processing. It saves time & effort involved in manual effort &paper work of the HR Department.
Components of Spectrum ERP HR Payroll Module
Spectrum ERP HR and Payroll Module effectively handles all activities and processes related to Employee Data management, Payroll processing, Time management, Leave management, Loans, Advances & Bonus management, Statutory compliances related to PF, ESI, TDS etc.
Integration with other Modules of Spectrum ERP
Spectrum ERP HR and Payroll Module is well integrated with all other modules of Spectrum ERP.
Mobility & Reporting Features of Spectrum ERP HR Payroll Module
We have made certain important functions and reports of Spectrum ERP HR Payroll Module available at the click of a button on your Mobile, so that you can take decisions and perform actions anytime, from anywhere.
- Employee self service on mobile
- Generate leave request
- View and approve leave request
- View salary slip, leave balance
- Employee Directory
- Employee dashboard and reports
Functions of Spectrum ERP HR and Payroll Module
Employee Profile
Maintains all information related to Employee Profiles such as
- Employee joining & appointment letter generation
- Complete employee profile with photo
- Unit, division, department, employee wise salary expenses
- User defined allowances and deductions
- Managing company employee as well as contractor employee
- Full & final settlement
Payroll Processing
Maintains all information related to attendance, payslip, salary etc and ensures timely payroll processing
- Attendance structure
- Attendance processing and salary generation
- Pay slips and salary registers
- Bank cash and cheque statement for salary disbursement
- Hold and release salary
- Linked with accounts module
Loan, Advance, Increment & Arrears Management
Maintains all information relating to loans and advances, increments, arrears etc required for timely processing
- Maintains record of loan, advance
- Keeps track of deduction or refund
- Implements loan, advance rules
- Processes Increments & increment letter
- Generates information about arrears and pay slip for arrears
Maintains information about and calculates PF, ESI, Tax, TDS, other details
- PF calculation
- ESI calculation
- Professional Tax
- TDS working
- Other statutory forms
Time Management
Maintains all information related to time log and attendance details
- Linked with all standard attendance machines
- Import of attendance or manual attendance entry
- Shift planning and duty roaster
- Overtime and c-off management
Leave Management
Carries out all functions related to Leave Management such as leave application, allotment, approval, encashment etc.
- Leave definition and auto leave allotment
- Leave application and approval
- Leave registers
- Leave encashment
- Overtime and c-off
Bonus, Production Bonus & Gratuity
- Calculates Bonus as per norms
- Calculates Production bonus based on production
- Calculates Gratuity & Ex-Gratia payments
- Separates or Combines payment statement for bonus, ex-gratia, production bonus
Employee Self Services
Employee Self Service Portal helps connect on field employees with the organization and use mobile apps to carry out following activities from remote locations.
- View/download Pay-slip
- Request for Leave
- Approval of Leave
- View leave balance and summary
- View documents and HR policies
- View Organizational News, Events, Birthdays etc.
Basic HR Activities
Automates processes related to Appointment letters, salary certificates, Final settlements etc
- Generates Appointment Letters
- Generates Certificates like salary certificate, employment letter, appointment letter, promotional letter etc.
- Calculates Full & final settlement